Sunday, May 4, 2008

Some is from my general knowledges.....=)


This is my poster.......It is about global warming.It causes the icebergs at polar pole to melt and the santa claus lose it houses.......and the presents floating on the sea.......

Step 8

I type the sentences is to make the people more understand with my poster....Everyone has it different with this sentences, it will be more sure that my poster is all about global warming.

Step 7

That the message I wanted to tell people....I used type tool to write the sentences....
WHERE SHOULD SANTA STAY?.....This is to show that the icebergs are melted and the living things at the polar pole lose their well as Santa Claus......=)

Step 6

It is the weather.....I used rectangular tool to draw it.......after that....i painted it with orange with some red.......This is to show the heat of the weather......and to let other people fell the global warming is around us.

Step 5

That the sun..
I used paintbrush tool to draw the shape of the sun with brushes(chalk scribble)..
I think the shape and the colour is nice as it show us the "HEAT"....=)

Step 4

That is the sea...i use rectangular tools to fit the A3 size....after that.....i cloured it with blue and applied gradient on it....

Step 3

After that...i draw the presents with rectangular tools.i used pen tool to draw the wave.Next, i used pathfinder(divide) to devide the bottom part of the present and the wave....and make it look like floating on the sea.I used rectangular tools to draw the ribbon of the present and i coloured it with different colour.

step 2

This is the only ice cube which can only stand by a santa claus.I used pen tool to draw it and i colour it light blue....and i used some gradient on it..

Step 1

This is the 1st step of my illustrator...
I traced it from a sketch...
After that..i coloured the part of body and the candy cane.

My sketch

Well.....It my sketch

Global Warming

What happen if icebergs start to melt?...
Well.....the sea level rise, flood and horrible disasters will happen.
When water is heated it expands and icebergs start to melt if the temperature is over 0 degrees.
Icebergs are huge.So as you can imagine, if you were to melt it you would get an awful lot of water.But icebergs won't melt completely.It'll just increases the sea level.
Do you know why icebergs melt?..
It's because of the temperature of earth started to increase.That the reason why the icebergs will melt...So do you get it now?..

If keep it going on, we will lose our land...our sky....and our earth....
There are some ways we can do to lower the temperature of the earth...
People should stop open-burning....Stop burning rubbish.....
No smoking as well...
People also can share the vehicles to places.
The most importance things is "Stop destroying the forest".They provide us oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide....and it'll decrease the heat as carbon dioxide is absorbed.
So what are you waiting for...let do it...


Global warming causes the icebergs to melt at north pole.

Assignment 3

Well....It's our final assignment...
It's about "Global Warming".
What is Global Warming?
Let learn more on it.